Sunday, April 13, 2008


A beautiful  April weekend.  Spring has finally come to southern New England.  All of the early yellow flowers  are in bloom--daffodils, forsythia, and dandelions.  House wrens are making nests in the eaves of my porch.  The Sox are playing the Yankees and it is the final day of the Masters.

And what am I doing at the culmination of all things Spring?

My f$&!@& taxes!

There's something horribly wrong with taxes due in mid-April.  Why not mid February? Everyone is miserable then anyway.  But no, we've got to blow the first nice weekend of spring besieged by bureaucracy and red tape.

Oh, I can hear the annoying "type-A' over-achievers saying:  "But I've had mine done for months."  Bite me.  I didn't get all of my tax forms here until three weeks ago (don't ask) and I did get the Federal done two weeks ago.  But you do need to review it with a clear head, so here I am.

Plus, there is the mandatory procrastination that has to occur before you can really start the taxes.  I've already taken a hike with the dog, bathed the dog after it rolled in cow dung, emptied the dishwasher, gone to the dump, and um, started this blog as stalling tactics.  There's a certain need to build up a sense of panic around how little time you have to accomplish the task that generates the proper focus.  I'm just about there.

Tune in later for a gripe session on how big of a slice the government has taken out of my life.

1 comment:

Hank said...

Rest assured my friend, you are not alone. Not only am I also finally chewing through my taxes today (without the benefit of your 2 week headstart on the fed), but I'm likewise avoiding it with the same trivial and mundane tasks I would normally avoid doing were it not for the onerous mound of paperwork that lies before me. Welcome to blogworld, where writing takes the place of some of the things we probably should be doing instead...